HPCUS and HPUS Basics
In this post you will find information about/ our purposes (as stated in our Articles of Incorporation), our legal status, and our organizational structure and governance, including a list of the Board of Directors.
Articles of Incorporation (1980, in Washington, DC)
The specific and exclusively charitable, educational, and scientific purposes for which the Convention was formed are:
- To accumulate pertinent information and publish and to sell the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States and any additions or supplements thereto,
- To promote the art of healing according to the natural laws of cure from a strictly homoeopathic standpoint,
- To diffuse knowledge among the laity and professionals in the health care field concerning homoeopathic principles through means of publications,
- To research and obtain a thorough knowledge of the pathogenicity of each drug offered for inclusion in the (HPUS) as a homoeopathic drug,
- To develop criteria for eligibility of drugs for inclusion in the (HPUS),
- To serve as a repository for homoeopathic literature and drugs,
- And generally to do, perform, undertake, direct, encourage, and investigate all aspects and functions of any nature directed to the furtherance of homoeopathic healing
The Legal Status of the HPUS as an Official Compendium
May 6, 2022 By Al Lorman, American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists Counsel (Reprinted with Permission)
Pharmacopoeias have been around for thousands of years. Historically, they provided the medical community with critical information necessary to make (and sometimes use) drugs. In many ways, pharmacopoeias were the first consumer protection vehicle in the world of pharmaceuticals.
The Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (in its various iterations) is older than the Federal laws which regulate drugs. The first edition of the HPUS was published in 1897, nine years before the passage of the Pure Food and Drugs Act of 1906. That Act recognized the United States Pharmacopoeia but was silent on the HPUS, an omission that was remedied in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938 (FD&C Act). Curing that omission was largely the work of Sen Royal S. Copeland (D-NY), a homeopathic physician who was the principal Senate sponsor of the legislation and the former president of the New York City Board of Health. (Sadly, Sen. Copeland died just four days after the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act was passed and before President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed it into law.)
Since 1938, then, the HPUS has been recognized as an “official compendium.” What exactly does that mean?
First, the FD&C Act defines a drug, in part, as “articles recognized in the . . . official Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States . . . or any supplement . . . .” So a substance included in the HPUS is going to be considered a drug by FDA.
Second, the HPUS is an “official compendium.”
Third, a drug is considered to be adulterated “if it purports to be or is represented as a drug the name of which is recognized in an official compendium, and its strength differs from, or its quality or purity falls below, the standard set forth in such compendium. Such determination as to strength, quality, or purity shall be made in accordance with the tests or methods of assay set forth in such compendium . . . .”
Fourth, a drug is considered to be misbranded if the drug is recognized in an official compendium and its label fails to bear “the official title thereof in such compendium . . . .”
You will note that the FD&C Act says nothing about the role of an “official compendium” in regulating uses of a drug. Nor does it require that a drug be recognized in an official compendium.
So, it is possible to take a very narrow view of the role of the HPUS. And, for many years, that narrow view did prevail. But with the revival of interest in homeopathy in the 1970’s, the HPUS began to assume a more prominent role in homeopathy. The issuance in 1988 of Compliance Policy Guide 400.400, Conditions under Which Homeopathic Drugs May Be Marketed (since withdrawn), noted the legal status of the HPUS as an official compendium, as discussed above. The CPG also stated, not very elegantly, that, “Documentation must be provided to support that those products or ingredients which are not recognized officially in the HPUS, an addendum to it, or its supplements are generally recognized as homeopathic products or ingredients.” Thus, from FDA’s perspective in 1988, a drug listed in the HPUS was not only official, but also “generally recognized as homeopathic.” Since the CPG contained no explicit premarket application requirement, the phrase, “documentation must be provided…” appears to have been what was left after FDA initially considered requiring an HPUS monograph to come within the ambit of the CPG.
As homeopathy has grown, the practical role of the HPUS has grown as well. In addition to substantially increasing the data required for acceptance of a new drug (including clinical data), the HPUS has taken the lead in developing guidance for compliance with various cGMP requirements. These efforts have included, for the first time, substantial interactions with FDA scientific personnel. And, unlike the USP, the HPUS continues to monitor the safety and toxicology profile of monographed drugs and make monograph changes when appropriate. Thus, the HPUS has gone well beyond its original statutory role to undertake a variety of actions “directed to the furtherance of homeopathic healing,” in the words of the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia Convention of the United States.
Regarding the Legal Status and Commercial Availability of Some Legacy Substances Monographed in the HPUS
The existence of a monograph in the HPUS for a particular homeopathic substance is not a representation by the HPCUS that that substance is legally or commercially available in the United States. HPUS subscribers are responsible for determining the legal requirements for the use of any monographed substance. The use of some monographed substances, for example, may be restricted by law or regulations of the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Food and Drug Administration. Similarly, some may be restricted by state and local regulations. Some products may not be available because of restrictions on obtaining the starting material due to their endangered status.
The HPUS has chosen to continue to publish the monographs for these legacy substances for historical purposes, for whatever value they may have outside the United States, and in the event their legal status changes in the future.
HPCUS and HPUS — what is the difference?
The HPUS (Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States)is the “official compendium,” the listing of homeopathic medicines. It contains drug monographs, which, once listed, become standards that manufacturers must adhere to when formulating homeopathic drug products.
The HPCUS (Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia Convention of the United States) is the corporation that maintains, develops, and publishes the HPUS.
Our Organizational Structure
The HPCUS is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt charitable and educational institution. We are organized into committees for technical and administrative functions. To become a member of the Convention a formal application must be submitted. Being primarily a scientific and technical organization, we look for specific skillsets and expertise that will aid us in publishing the HPUS. The Board of Directors reviews the applications. A unanimous vote of the Board is required for acceptance. A newly accepted member is given “associate member status” for at least one year and assigned to a committee by the President of the Convention. They may advance to “active” membership after demonstrating their value to the convention.
Committees are charged with making recommendations to the Board of Directors, which makes all final decisions in all matters. Committees are strongly urged to operate by consensus, although votes on their decisions are recorded for the record.
The Board of Directors is a self-electing entity. When we wish to add a director, we recruit from the membership. The President and other officers are elected annually. As in the committees, we operate by consensus but record votes as a matter of course.
All members of the Convention comply with our published policies regarding Conflict of Interest, Confidentiality of Information, and others. Those policies are listed in the footer of all pages on this site.
We have an Editor, who coordinates various functions within the Convention and is responsible for maintaining the database of monographs and technical documents, as well as working with sponsors of drug monographs to ensure complete submissions and other matters pertaining to the submission process. The editor is also responsible for many other operations involved in publishing the HPUS.
We have a Senior Scientist who coordinates all the scientific and technical aspects of our work and maintains our ongoing relationships with subscribers to the HPUS and academic and research organizations.
The diagram below summarizes our structure:

Board of Directors (current as of 1/8/2025)
John P. Borneman, MS, MBA, PhD
- Chairman of the Board & Treasurer, HPCUS
- Chairman, Legal and Regulatory Affairs Committee, American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists
- Emeritus Trustee, Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine
- Councilor, American Public Health Association Section on Integrative, Complementary and Traditional Health Practices
- Board Member, Board of Visitors, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy of St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia
Sandra M. Chase, MD, DABHM
- Consultant in Homeopathic Family Medicine, 2/1975-9/24/2020, Fairfax, Virginia
Board of Directors, HPCUS
Diplomate, American Board of Homeotherapeutics - Former President, American Board of Homeotherapeutics
- Former Trustee, American Institute of Homeopathy Board of Trustees
- Recipient, American Institute of Homeopathy Samuel Hahnemann Award, 12/02/2020
Chairman, American Institute of Homeopathy Hahnemann Monument Preservation Committee
President, American Institute of Homeopathy Foundation - Recipient, Certificate of Special Appreciation, Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis
- Recipient, Silver Replica Seal of the Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis
- Recipient, Homœopathic Convention of the United States Service to Homeopathy Award
- Member, Council of Past Presidents, Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis
President of Honor, Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis - Recipient, Henry N. Williams, MD, DHt, Professional Service Award, National Center for Homeopathy
- Recipient, Gold Medallion, Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis
Former General Secretary for the Newsletter, Member Executive Committee, Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis - Former Editor, The Liga Letter, annual newsletter of the Liga
- Former President, Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis
Former President, American Institute of Homeopathy - Former Prime Vice President, Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis
Former General Secretary for Public Relations, Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis - Recipient, James Tyler Kent Award for Outstanding Service to the Homeopathic Community, American Institute of Homeopathy
- Former National Vice President for the USA, Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis
- Former President and Former Director of Publications, National Center for Homeopathy
Eric L. Foxman, RPh
- Pharmaceutical Consulting, ROHIRRIM
- Board of Directors, HPCUS
- Senior Scientist, HPCUS
- Chair, Council on Pharmacy, HPCUS
- Member, Standards and Controls Committee
- Member, Monograph Review Committee
- Member, HPUS-AYUSH Harmonization Committee
- Former Chair, Pharmacopeia Revision Committee, HPCUS
Secretary, American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists
Former Director of Quality Control, Bioforce of America Ltd. - Former Treasurer and Supervising Pharmacist, Weleda, Inc.
- Immediate Past President, Portland Storytellers’ Guild
Todd A. Hoover, MD, DHt, CCH
- Secretary, HPCUS
- Chair, Nominations & Governance Committee, HPCUS
- Former U.S. National Vice President, Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis
- Former President, American Institute of Homeopathy
- Former President, Council on Homeopathic Education
- Former Clinical Preceptor, Drexel College of Medicine
Paul Mittman, ND, EdD
- President/CEO, Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine & Health Sciences, Inc. (SCNM)
- Member, Board of Directors, Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges (AANMC)
- Founding Editor, Simillimum
- Board of Directors, HPCUS
- Chair, Pharmacopoeia Review Committee, HPCUS
- Chair, Finance & Audit Committee, HPCUS
Mark S. Phillips, PharmD, MBA
- Board of Directors, HPCUS
- Chair, Standards & Controls Committee, HPCUS
- Member, Council on Pharmacy, HPCUS
- Member, Monograph Review Committee, HPCUS
William E. Shevin, MD, DHt (Ret.)
- President, HPCUS (2020 – present)
- Former President, National Center for Homeopathy
- Diplomate, American Board of Homeotherapeutics
- Member, American Institute of Homeopathy
Peter R. Smith MB ChB, MF (Hom) UK
- Board of Directors, HPCUS
- CEO of ResCo Pty LTD – a CRO specialising in homeopathic drug provings and clinical research into herbal and nutritional supplements
- External Consultant to Dept. Medical Affairs & Research at Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH
- Member, Provings Committee, European Committee for Homeopathy
- Member, Faculty of Homeopathy United Kingdom
- Former Member, Executive Committee, Chiropractors, Homeopaths and Allied Health Service Professions Council of South Africa
- Former Member, Complementary Medicines Committee, Medicines Control Council of South Africa
- Former Chairperson, South African Complementary Medical Association